Ceres Convenes With Gaseous Giants ~ 16 Oct 2019

On 25 October Ceres moves into an exact conjunction with Jupiter at 22 Sagittarius 10. Working with the assumption that Ceres might be grateful that in the early days of solar system formation Jupiter escorted her out of the Kuiper Belt to her current position in the asteroid belt - or so believes current astronomical thinking. Given Ceres mythological relationship with Pluto, one could assume she appreciates Jupiterian benevolence - or maybe not.

Regardless, Ceres is quick to speak up and advocate for what she feels is under represented, or those she believes cannot speak for themselves. So given the transit in Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, it would seem that the current Ceres emphasis would be amplified and in accord with Jupiter, dramatically hyperbolized.

Imagine that within the next few weeks, as these planets operate within each others range, all things Jupiter and Sagittarius receive bonus cosmic attention. Philosophy, higher education, the rule of law, international travel and/or immigration, belief systems, religion, opportunity, luck and truth all move center stage. Anything that Ceres might believe to be out of kilter, expect that she’ll move front and center and make her take on the matter known to the masses.

As a note of curious coincidence, the current travels of Ceres and Jupiter in Sagittarius, make direct alignments to the Sun, Moon and lunar nodes in the horoscope of Donald Trump, with the conjunction smack dab in the middle of the transit fray. This should be interesting.

Okay, so this is a big deal? Yes. A very big deal. Why? Because when considering the mass, density, diameter and gravity of Ceres relative to all other planets (in sort of a per capita manner), she stands out as one of the - if not the - most formidable planets in the solar system. So this should be an era of extreme petitioning to the Universe of everything sorting out as the gods would have it, instead of the mental mishmash of how mortals might wish it.

So there’s this big deal, then what?

Well, early next year Ceres aligns with Pluto and the second largest gaseous giant, Saturn, on 12 January at nearly 23 degrees of Capricorn. This era early in 2020 contains an array of other critical line ups that will be dealt with in postings in more detail before the end of the year.

For now, the focus remains on Ceres to Saturn. Here Ceres advocates for all things Saturn: protocols, infrastructures, planning, timing, organic systems, structure, tradition, appropriateness and status quo and the restoration of same as deemed necessary by planetary deity. As much as Jupiter rules the rule of law, Saturn refers to the letter of the law, compliance with, awards for actions taken, and construction of more efficient and fair legal systems.

On a personal level if one engages with opportunities presented by Ceres to Jupiter over the next few weeks, the gathering of the first of low-hanging fruit begins in January. For those who feel that life or the world has been cluster fluxed into unrecognizable chaos, January marks a time in which glimmers of sanity and established order sprout and require immediate fostering by the collective. Be prepared to be a cheerleader for all things Saturnian.

So yes, though the end of this year could feel like a cheap carnival ride gone off the rails, engineers arrive in January to conduct comprehensive fixes, get the ride back on track and worth buying a ticket to ride in the first place. In short, there is hope that the “unprecedented” elements in life are called out and the merits of effective and cause-driven precedents restored.

Which of these two Ceres conjunctions stands out as more important? Well, Ceres-Jupiter because of their mythic relationship. And Ceres-Jupiter on the basis of Jupiter being larger than Saturn. However Saturn has better rings than Jupiter; there is that. And now we know there’s something else.

In the past while, twenty new moons have discovered around Saturn. Seventeen of these Saturnian satellites, move in retrograde motion. That factoid could be the sources of ponderous speculation. These recent discoveries elevate Saturn to the planet with the most moons of any body in the solar system. That’s right! Saturn now has 82 moons, trumping Jupiter’s previous record of 79 satellites. Indeed, both of these gaseous giants are virtual solar systems.

Now here’s something else for those who whinge about new names assigned to solar system bodies. You can participate in the naming of Saturn’s score of new moons. If you go to the following site, you’ll see some very cool graphics and instructions for the protocols of submitting names for these newly-observed bodies. How fun is that!? Yes, you are naming moons of Saturn, so with that, expect there are rules.

Naming Saturn's Moons

Ultimately, the Ceres alignments with the gaseous giants, whether in exact aspect to your natal chart or not, prompt action on your part. Ceres to Jupiter inspires one to make clear what belief system is used for all choices and decisions in life. Further, Ceres asks that all actions taken work to support and nurture the innermost desires of the soul. Ceres to Saturn prompts you to put your foot in the symbolic stirrup and to ensure you are back in the saddle. Should you seek to round up the actions and causes that benefit your karma and dharma, gather your gear, take the reins and get back on the trail!

More soon!